The Met Office: Ocean Applications
No. 9, October 1996: McLean, P.; Davey, M.K.; Ineson, S.; Simulation of the Tropical Pacific Ocean (1984-93) using and OGCM forced with AGCM (HADAM2b) Wind Stress
No. 11, November 1996: Colman, A.W.; Prediction of Summer Central England Temperature from Preceding North Atlantic Winter Sea Surface Temperature
No. 12, November 1996: Forbes, R.M.; Initial results from experiments assimilating satellite altimeter sea surface height data into a tropical Pacific ocean model
No. 13, November 1996: Davey, Michael; A Survey of Seasonal Forecasting
No. 14, April 1997: Wright, D.K.; Gordon, C.; The Positioning of the North Atlantic Current
No. 15, June 1997: Tett, Simon F.B.; Davey, Michael K.; Ineson, Sarah; Interannual and decadal variability in the tropical Pacific
No. 16, August 1997: Hoad, Deborah; Response of the UK Met Office wave model when forced with tropical cyclone winds
No. 17, August 1997: Bell, M.J.; Vortex stretching and bottom torques in the Bryan-Cox Ocean Circulation Model
No. 20, November 1998: Colman, Andrew; Davey, Michael; Prediction of Summer Temperature, Rainfall and Pressure in Europe from Preceding Winter North Atlantic Ocean Temperature
No. 21, July 1999: Martin, M.J.; Nichols, N.K.; Bell, M.J.; Treatment of Systematic Errors in Sequential Data Assimilation
No. 22, July 1999: Bell, Michael J.; Forbes, Richard M.; Hines, Adrian; Assessment of a Global Data Assimilation System for Real-Time Ocean Forecasting
No. 23, January 2000: Wu, Peili; Gordon, Chris; HadCM3 Sensitivity Tests with Tuned Eddy Parameterization Schemes